
Monday, May 11, 2009

You'd be surprised what you can do!

The creativity among Elvis fans never ceases to amaze me. That thought hit me once more today as I was watching some Youtube updates courtesy of the Elvis Information Network.

In October last year I wrote about a guy who who'd created a fantastic 3D animation of Elvis. The clip had Elvis singing "Tiger Man" from That's The Way It Is and I was very impressed with the result.

Among the clips I watched today recommended by EIN, there were two I especially liked. I guess you could call them live Elvis fantasies, where footage from TTWII has been cleverly edited to show Elvis singing "A Little Less Conversation" and "Got My Mojo Working" respectively.

And, looking through the list of clips from the editor, elvisfantasay 2010, I found a couple of more of these fantasies, among them Elvis performing "Speedway" at the International. Here's what it looks like:

I really like it when Elvis sings "a whole lotta sweat" and how he moves after singing "on the speedway." During it all, I couldn't help wondering how on earth it was going to end (the original is faded out) but it was surprisingly well done (although I doubt Elvis would've ever considered singing "Speedway" live on stage). But it's entertaining, nevertheless.

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