Last Tuesday, on my way to work, I felt a little sorry for myself, it being pitch black outside and, yeah, you guessed it, cold with a strong wind blowing. But I soon forgot all about the weather, thanks to Elvis.
My way to work always takes me past a store that sells used record. This particular morning I glanced at the shop-windows, as I always do, and stopped dead in my tracks. Would you believe one of the windows was decorated solely with Elvis records!
It was a sight to behold, and I couldn't help thinking that a lot of other people would see this too. And best of all, in the lower right hand corner of the window I spotted what looked like a mint copy of the single "I'm Leavin'."
"I gotta lay my hands on that one, so Michael Jarrett, the writer of the song, can autograph it when he plays in Sweden in May," was my immediate thought.
My spirits lifted, I continued my journey and soon arrived at work. There, I telephoned my wife who had the day off, and asked her if she could run down and buy the single, as I would be travelling to Stockholm later that day and wouldn't be back until the end of the week.
"Yeah, I guess I could buy it on Thursday," she said. "Maybe today," I asked her pleadingly, painting a picture in my head of another person getting it before she did. And, being the nice person she is, she bought it for me later that day.
When I came home I found the single waiting for me, in pristine condition. And the day after, taking a walk with my wife, I asked her if we could go to the store so I could take a picture of the window for my blog. It sure helps to have an understanding wife when your second love is Elvis!