
Thursday, December 8, 2011

From Elvis Today To Elvis Australia: Two FTD Reviews

Elvis Australia has posted a review Troy Y. and I wrote of Forty-Eight Hours To Memphis: Recorded Live On Stage In Richmond, Virginia – March 18, 1974, a recent Follow That Dream Records release. The review is a consolidated version of a discussion that first appeared on our blogs, Elvis Today and The Mystery Train.

Speaking of Elvis Australia, about two weeks ago the guy running it e-mailed and told me he would very much like to use my review of FTD's classic album release of He Touched Me. As Elvis Australia is one of the best Elvis sites around I was happy to oblige. And honored.
Check it out here.

1 comment:

Chaz Elban said...

Great site - I love finding new Elvis sites and info. Keep up the good work!

I Dig Elvis!